منذ انطلاقتنا في الستينيات من القرن السابق، كان لمدماك ارتباطاً وثيقاً بأبرز المشاريع القائمة في قطر. ونفتخر بتقديم خدماتنا وفق أرفع المعايير العالمية معتمدين على قدراتنا في سائر الجوانب الهندسية والعمرانية.يزخر سجّلنا بالإنجاز في إتمام المشاريع الدقيقة والاستراتيجية في وقت قياسي وفق معايير سلامة وجودة صارمة، ما يشكّل دلالة على سعينا الدائم لتحقيق رؤية مؤسّستنا. نعمل بمسؤولية تامة في كل مشروع، ونطبق مؤهلاتنا الفنية و الإدارية، وننفذ العمليات و الإجراءات لضمان رضا العملاء في جميع مستويات الخدمة.
Our values are grounded on six core principles. They serve as our corporate guideposts, directing the course of all our actions and decisions.
We always go the extra mile to afford our customers and our associates exceptional value. We strive to be the best in the standards we set and in the results we create
We value honesty and openness, and we honor all our commitments. We take responsibility for the things we do, we focus on action, and we take initiative in order to accomplish our tasks and obligations
We strive to nurture a successful network of customers and partners. We listen to all the people we work with, and we make sure to respond to their needs in a timely and sensitive manner.
We are curious and creative, we remain constantly open to change, and we are focused on our continuous improvement so that we can face up to all the challenges that come our way.
We work in an environment of mutual respect and inclusion, unbiased judgment, and equality. We profoundly value the individuality and diversity of our people.
We do our best to foster a team culture that allows our people to inspire meaningful change in our organization. We value collaboration and synergy, and we make sure that our colleagues are encouraged to reach their full professional